Where are the Children?

This is an interactive website suitable for middle and high school students.  Information below is quoted directly from the Where are the Children? website.

Why Learn About the Residential School System?
Because the Residential School System has been acknowledged as “part of the process of
nation building and the concomitant marginalization of Aboriginal communities” (Royal
Commission on Aboriginal People), its legacy is part of the nation of Canada’s legacy.
The impact of the schools has had a profound effect on Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal
peoples alike; therefore, the Canadian education system has an important role to play in
teaching all students about this period in our country’s history.
By studying the past, students learn about the origins and causes of current issues and
events, which in turn will affect the decisions that they will make in the future. By studying
different cultures and traditions, students also acquire an understanding, respect, and
acceptance of others. This understanding will, we believe, promote the ability of students
to find unity in diversity, and to celebrate the strength of multiple perspectives.

General Student Learning Outcomes
The Where are the Children? website course will develop students’ abilities in four specific
skill areas:
  • • Students will learn to manage information and ideas by:
  • Finding information from various sources, including oral, print, visual, and electronic sources;
  • Organizing and recording information in various formats, and using correct referencing methodologies and vocabulary;
  • Selecting appropriate tools and technologies to accomplish tasks; and
  • Learning to interpret various documents and texts.
Students will learn to think critically and creatively by:
  • Formulating questions to plan and develop their inquiry and research;
  • Considering all sides of issues through events, accounts, ideas, and interpretations;
  • Drawing conclusions and making decisions based on research and hard evidence;
  • Understanding subjective and objective information, and biases in various types of information; and
  • Evaluating information to determine its reliability, validity, authenticity, and perspective.